Problems of marketing logistics and infrastructure in Ukraine under martial law: ways to solve them in the context of European integration



Ключови думи:

logistics, infrastructure, Ukraine, effectiveness, export, innovations in logistics.


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to assess the level of development of logistics and infrastructure in the pre-war economy of Ukraine, to identify problems and peculiarities of its functioning during the martial law, as well as to formulate measures for its restoration and improvement in the context of European integration.

Results. The logistics system of Ukraine in the years before the russian-Ukrainian war had a tendency to progressive development. This is evidenced by the positive dynamics of the national Logistics Performance Index. The most developed component of the domestic logistics system was the timeliness of cargo deliveries, and the least developed – the quality of trade and transport infrastructure. The hypothesis that during military operations on the territory of Ukraine, its logistics infrastructure underwent fundamental changes was confirmed. The most painful thing for the country is the destruction and damage of infrastructure and infrastructure connections. Analysis and consideration of these factors will allow logistics companies to adapt to changing, critical conditions and operate more efficiently. The phenomena and processes affecting Ukrainian logistics during martial law have been identified.

Scientific novelty. The study identified factors that influenced the change in logistics services in Ukraine during the war within four groups: people, infrastructure, security, legislation. The authors proposed two groups of measures (short-term and long-term) that will resume Ukraine’s foreign trade activities, as well as improve logistics within the country in the context of its European integration.

Practical value. The practical value of this study is that it can be used as a source and tool in the development of specific measures and programs for the development of the logistics infrastructure of Ukraine, in particular, the construction of new logistics routes and logistics centers.


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Как да цитирам

Dyczkowska, J. A., Reshetnikova, O., Borovyk, T., Maiboroda, O., & Tereshchenko, I. (2023). Problems of marketing logistics and infrastructure in Ukraine under martial law: ways to solve them in the context of European integration. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 7(4), 01.


Раздел (Секция)

Economic sciences