Upcycling of solid waste for furniture production: an environmentally sustainable solution for waste disposal
https://doi.org/10.51599/is.2023.07.04.04Ключови думи:
environmental sustainability, furniture production, Ghana, solid waste, upcycling, waste disposal.Абстракт
Purpose. This study aimed to demonstrate, using studio research approaches, how solid waste in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana, can be innovatively recycled into aesthetically pleasing and functional furniture pieces as a waste management strategy to achieve environmental sustainability.
Results. Environmental sustainability and the economic profitability of solid waste generated during furniture production go hand in hand. By using recycled or reclaimed materials, implementing sustainable production practices and responding to the demand for environmentally friendly products, furniture manufacturers can contribute to a more sustainable future while receiving financial benefits. The study showed that upcycling is an excellent waste management strategy that creative persons and other innovators could use to help in the management of solid waste that have become an environmental nuisance. Also, the study revealed that creative persons could potentially train others in their locality to be more creative-centered so as to innovatively transform solid waste materials into more aesthetically relevant and functional items for environmental sustainability.
Scientific novelty. The discarded solid wastes were repurposed to create new, functional and aesthetically pleasing furniture. The process of upcycling not only reduces solid waste but also minimizes the need for raw materials and energy consumption in furniture production. This is a new and an innovative concept in the field of furniture in Ghana.
Practical value. Upcycling of solid waste for furniture production in the Kumasi Metropolis offers usable relevance by reducing waste, conserving physical resources, and creating economic opportunities which is mutually beneficial for both the environment and the community. Applying sustainable practices in furniture production can improve the brand image and attract public or consumer attention to environmentally conscious people.
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